Monday, August 1, 2011

My Dream Came True. :)

First I would like to mention,that this is kinda of a very hard blog im going to have to post,physically not emotionally. I have an allergy test patch on my back and I cant touch it for 4 days and it is so hard not to itch it! I am trying my hardest to keep my hands off of it.Im trying with fans to help it have air so I don't touch it.Ahh!! I would like everyone to know that having eczema (its where you have dry spots on your body and it gets very itchy and you sometimes get rashes,don't worry you cant catch it) sucks,so whoever doesn't have it is very lucky!!

Well I would first like to mention I have officially deleted my personal facebook!! At 11:37 on July 31st,2011 I deleted my facebook,well technically not me but it got deleted!! I have proved to everyone and myself that me,ME TALIA,was able to get rid of facebook for a while! If you know me really good,you know I cant live without technology mainly a computer.Im planning on getting a laptop,and its going to feel weird that I wont be going on facebook on it except for the blog's facebook page.I cant explain to you how happy I am and how bored I am! I am so happy that I was able to do it on the day I promised myself I was going to do it without thinking twice or trying to delete it another day.It also makes me feel like I don't need to go on Facebook to make me feel like I need to see things,that I know wont make me happy to see.On the other hand,I feel like I am missing something and I feel like I have nothing to look at and today would have been a day I had amazing news to post as a status but I will be posting it on here because like I said from the beginning this is my facebook.I will admit I tried to go on it today and of course it didn't work because my password changed. However,I know that I needed this and I have actually see some good come out of this and to be honest I dont miss it!!

Anyways,I wanted to share the great news!! I got a second job!! :) When I was down today for a little bit,I saw I got the job I really wanted. Its crazy how I saw signs that I was going to get hired. Well so isn't it a a   coincidence that yesterday I was talking about having a dream that might come true,and that actually happened with this job??  Well let me say I feel like it is crazy!! I first would like to say how it was crazy that I found out about the job when I was right next to the place (FYI its a new bowling alley where I will be a party host.) I saw the e-mail that said congratulations we would like to further discuss the position.How is it that I got the e-mail right when I was next to work?? The next thing is I had a dream about it.I didn't want to say anything about this job because I didn't want to jinx any of it because im not a very superstitious person but I defenitly believe in jinxing stuff.I tried to not even talk about it that's how bad I wanted this job.It was just crazy how I had a dream that I got hired for the job and that I saw what I was going to do in my dream.I don't get why this happens to me.I truly have someone to prove that some of my dreams really happen in reality and they actually come true.I don't know why it happens but sometimes Im so glad it happens! I am so excited for this job.I have been looking for a job nonstop for the past 3 years,and finally I get two jobs in 2 weeks!! (well technically I have 3 if you count the babysitting,which is a job for me.) This job involves actually getting paid well and since I love enjoying being with kids,that's all im going to be around!! Its so much fun how the Denver Nuggets and Colorado Avalanche sponsor the place to which means I might be seeing some famous sports people!! Another reason why this is such a perfect job for me is because Im one of the few girls who actually loves and enjoys sports! Its just amazing and Im so happy that its a beginning month and I told myself that it was going to be a new beginning for me,and that's what it turned out to be!! Its just so amazing how a few weeks ago I wasn't in good shape at all.I wasn't as happy.I felt that I was getting let down and that I had no point of living. Its amazing when you are actually happy,how good things turn out to happen.Im happy that things are slowly going forward and I hope it all turns out for the best. I just cant get anymore excited and Its just amazing when I write happy blogs.I know sometimes my blog's get a little boring,but I hope in a way it shows some people that there's always ups and downs in life and that sometimes when you go through hard times like I have,that it'll end up turning okay.I feel like this might be the week where Im actually happy to go to my counselor and have some good news for her (I hope I get to see her this week.) I think a lot of times I felt like she wasn't helping me because all I have done is mainly cry,but to be honest she has helped me so much. She has helped me see how its okay to go through this hard times,but in the end everything is going to be okay. I will be okay.No,I'm going to be great! :)

I have nothing else to say really but that I am in an amazing mood,except that I have to wear this patch on my back for 4 days.Other then that,everything in my life has been turning out good. I don't know,but maybe there's a new boy in my life?? hmmm I don't know well I guess maybe ill leave that until next time. . . . .

I love you guys and be kind to one another!!

Love Always,

Talia Marcel <3

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