Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Update.

Wow! Hasn't it been a while since Ice written on here?? I am so sorry and I really was trying every day to write on but I have been so busy with 2 jobs and dealing with the beginning of school. I barely had a lot of time for myself,but all that matters is now that Im writing on here again and Im excited! There's been a lot going on of course there's been ups and downs but for the most part it looks like there are a lot of ups going on and I am so happy to finally see things go up. I just want to say that I am so thankful that I started this.I really feel like writting has made me feel some confidence in myself that I felt I never really had. I look at this website as a great way to help me and share what goes on in my life. Its going to build a lot of confidents for me when I write my other blog I am going to start for my journalism class,but ill talk about that more later.Now I just want to write where I left off,and where I left off,wasnt in a good place,but I guess ill explain whats been going on from then.

Well August 10th,obviously wasn't a good day.I really was down on myself that day,and of course it was the same reason as it has always been,its always been how sad and hurt I am by him. I really don't know if I can say what I wrote is a poem,because honestly I just feel like I truly wrote it because of anger,and I just felt like I needed to write something.Im kind of glad at the same time,because I needed to write it out of anger,instead of doing something else.I feel like that's why its a great reason for me to write,is so writing wont let me think of anything bad (not like I will do anything bad,I promise you.I have never thought of anything like that.) I just know that in whatever way you read it,if you did,every word and sentence meant something.I was just really trying to show that one day when Im truly gone out this guys life,his going to regret it.I know that for a fact. I will talk about that more later. Well after all that,I started working like crazy for the bookstore.I was working pretty much everyday from 1 til close and all I was doing was standing,so trust me it gets tiring. I really enjoy working there to be honest though. It got pretty crazy this last week because of the week of school,but I love it.I love when there's a ton of chaos and action going it.Sometimes sucks when the managers and leads get a little irritated but its understandable. Its fun knowing that everyone that works there is a student and they understand that you have other things you need to do in your life and that a lot of other people have a second job,like me. It is a great place to work and I hope it all works outs because it is such a great schedule they have done for me letting me go to classes then go to work. It is so flexible and I love it! Today I just found out sadly I don't work there anymore after tomorrow,but to be honest I am glad im not because I really need to concentrate this semester,and having a job ill enjoy more and having a more open schedule for the bowling alley. Two weeks ago,I went to my friends birthday party for her 21.It was so much fun and I don't think I have ever had that much fun at where we at and what we did it,I love that girl to death and I hope she knows that! I really have really loved getting close to her.I really feel like she is a friend that actually really cared to help me when a lot of things happened.I hope she knows that I am always here for her and I will never leave her and I want us to be close as we are forever! If you read this,I just want to let you know Im so sorry we haven't been able to see each other for a while,and haven't been able to talk as much,but I love you and I will see you soon! :)

After that,I started school. School has been great.I really feel like this semester is going to be a great semester.I already feel it.First of all,something I didn't have last semester was good teachers.My teachers this semester are very energetic and make the class fun.They also have really easy homework for the most part and i love how all my homework is mainly online,which is why it was a great idea to get a laptop this semester.Im taking journalism,math,and human nutrition again. As I wrote in an earlier post,last semester wasn't the best for me,and I had to deal with a lot of things because of how emotionally bad I got from the situation of what happened. So the result to that was I didn't do good in school. I did poorly and that's why this semester is the semester I really need to be serious,and I feel great about it. I actually did my homework on time,and wasn't rushed and felt amazing after I finished it and was able to have freedom to do whatever I wanted. Trust me,I think this is the first time I feel like that.I don't really think there has been one time in school from elementary until now where I did all my homework early.I am such a procrastinator,its not even funny. I truly hate it to be honest,but I usually did because of being lazy and not being motivated to do it. I feel like one reason why I didn't procrastinate this time,was cause I don't have a personal Facebook!! :)

For a little side note,on Wednesday it will be a month I haven't had my personal Facebook!! How crazy is that?!?! I find it funny how everyone told me I wouldn't be able to last without it,but I look at myself this past month,and I truly don't miss it. The Facebook I have now is really just for free samples. I don't really know any websites that update as much as the pages on Facebook.Thats why I created that one and also for the group I made for this blog.I don't even count it as Facebook because Im really not connecting with people on it. I only have 5 friends on it but I don't really write statuses or anything.People can only see that I am a Female and my info. That is really all anyone can see.Nobody can add me anymore.Im so glad I choose to delete it and Im so glad that is helping me think of more serious things in my life and bigger prioritys.I haven't really started working at the bowling alley,but I start on Thursday and Im so excited to finally be around kids like I have always love being around.I sometimes am so glad I got 2 jobs because of money and helps me focus on a lot of other things and not just my person life,which is much needed.  I went to my first broncos game on Saturday!! It was so much fun especially cause I was in the first section it was great to go see the broncos for the most part.

Well I wanted to do my blogs is two different parts,but my next big thing im going to write about is what everyone who has been reading this from the start is about him.So I would love if you guys can read I guess the part two of this blog!! Im sorry if I kinda of mumbled a lot .I promise you my second blog is going to be way more interesting,so stay tuned and Ill be posting the second one shortly, don't worry Im posting it tonight cause I cant wait for you guys to read it!! :)

Love you guys,

Talia Marcel <3

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